
Students Leading the Way!

There are Six Leadership Teams in addition to the Grade 5 Helpers who take care of younger classes at lunch, hall monitors, gym set-up, office assitants, athletic captains and more...

Assembly Ensemble - These students are responsible for welcoming visitors to our assemblies, as well as students as they enter the gym.  The team also assists with setting up the gym for all assemblies and they are responsible for technology needed for the assembly. 

Green Team – The Green Team helps Prince Charles be more environmentally friendly. Grade five students spearhead this team, and other students will help when more hands are needed. These students remind classes when it is their turn to clean up the school grounds; oversee various recycling and composting initiatives; and implement the garden box program. 

Kindness Krew - Students pick random acts of kindness to bestow upon the Prince Charles school community. Past initiatives included Bake Sale fundraisers for community organizations; Glove & Cereal collection for Cyrus Centre; Appreciation treats for all staff and volunteers; Break the Rules Day (fundraiser for Matthew’s House); Spread Kindness Like Confetti (kind heart display); Food Bank drive. 

Library Leaders – Weekly, Grade 5 leaders meet in the Library Learning Commons (LLC) to help keep our LLC running smoothly.  This group of reliable students not only keep our library tidy and beautiful, but they create engaging activities for all the students at Prince Charles to participate in while they visit our LLC.  This leadership group plays a vital role in keeping the heart of Prince Charles a collaborative, learning hub we all can enjoy.  

Spirit Squad – Students plan and promote monthly spirit days at Prince Charles. Our first meeting in early October involves brainstorming ideas and planning new and implementing ongoing spirit days such as Pink Shirt Day and BCCH Jean's Day. The students promote spirit days by colouring posters, doing class visits, and making announcements. Our spirit days add lots of energy and excitement here at PC! 

Tech Team - The Tech Team helps to keep our iPads updated and in organized condition.  They help primary classes with their tech tubs and also take pride in making sure our lab is ready for use.