Quick Links - Here's everything you need to register:
Kindergarten Registration Information: https://www.abbyschools.ca/kindergarten
Grade 1-5 Registration Information: https://www.abbyschools.ca/schools/registration/grades1-12
Please complete and provide the documents listed, which are attached below:
AP 336-1: Student Registration
AP 324-1: Photograph, Video and Media - Consent Form
AP 336-2: Request for Email Address – Consent Form
Unsure which catchment area you live in? Check your address here: https://mybaragar.com/index.cfm?event=page.SchoolLocatorPublic&DistrictGUID=F7AEA313-74A5-49DE-8066-1B02FC66C5D0&DistrictCode=BC34&DataStatus=1
If you do not live in the Prince Charles catchment but wish to attend here, you must register at your catchment school and complete a Non-Catchment Request to attend your preferred non-catchment school. More Catchment Information can be found here.
Non-catchment requests may not be received prior to 8:30am on Monday, February 3rd, 2025 and families MUST complete registration at the catchment school first. Kindergarten out-of-catchment applications will be reviewed after the first week of school in September. Non-Catchment renewals for students currently attending out of catchment, will be received in March for review or renewal.
Want more detailed information about registration?
Registration is an exciting time for students and parents! There is a wealth of Detailed Registration Information on the School District website if you wish to read up about various program, how and where to register and more... Depending upon individual circumstances, it can take place at various times throughout the year. In this section, find out how, when, and where to register. Learn more (below) about district registration procedures, and access registration forms. Registration for all grades is ongoing throughout the year as new families move into our catchment. Placement in the current school year is dependent upon space availability.
Registration for the upcoming year (2025/26) is as follows:
- Kindergarten Registration starts at 8:30am on Monday, January 20th of the year your child turns 5. Students will start school the following September. Additional information is posted by the School District in early January.
- Grade 1 – 12 Registration starts at 8:30am on Monday, February 3rd (or the first business day in February). Students will start school the following September.
- District Programs Lottery for French Immersion, Nature Kindergarten, and Traditional Schools starts at 8:30am on Monday, January 27th and closes at 4pm on Friday, January 31st.
- If you are new to Canada, please make an appointment at the District Office before registering at a school.
- Students can also request to attend a non-catchment school, but will have to re-apply annually. (See the In-District, Non-Catchment Request form attached below.)