Hot Lunch & Popcorn Days
Our WINTER Hot Lunch is OPEN!
Prince Charles PAC members run many fundraisers throughout the year and the favourite among the kids is our Hot Lunch program! Prince Charles hot lunches support local restaurants and are both delicious and nutritious! Previous lunches have included Booster Juice, Subway, J's Pizza Boston Pizza, Fuel Catering (wraps) and Windmill Deli just to name a few.
All Hot Lunch, as well as popcorn for Popcorn Days, are ordered online through MunchaLunch, seasonally in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. If you are interested in ordering hot lunch and/or popcorn for your child, please follow the instructions below (and attached).
Go to: http://www.munchalunch.com/schools/princecharles
Click the “Register Here” button (as shown below). The system will guide you through.
After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order.
Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.
Fri. January 17th: Popcorn Day
Order Deadline: Thurs. January 16th at 10pm
Fri. January 31st: Pizza Day
Order Deadline: Thurs. January 23rd at 10pm
Thurs. February 13th: Red Robins Day
Order Deadline: Wed. February 5th at 10pm
Fri. February 28th: Popcorn Day
Order Deadline: Thurs. February 27th at 10pm
Fri. March 14th: Taco Day
Order Deadline: Thurs. March 6th at 10pm
Head over to www.munchalunch.com/schools/princecharles and log into your existing account or create a new account if your child is new to Prince Charles this year. Follow the steps to select your child's grade and teacher and proceed with ordering lunch.
Please pay for your orders by credit card (Visa/MC) or cheque submitted to your child’s teacher. If you choose to pay by cheque, please make your cheque payable to Prince Charles Elementary PAC and include the name of your child/children in the memo line (ex: “John Smith hot lunch”). We are not taking cash as payment.
Any unpaid orders will be automatically cancelled if payment is not received by the ordering cut off. Orders must be placed and paid for by 10 pm on cut off day.
All hot lunch dates and popcorn dates from September through to December can be ordered and paid together, or if you choose, you may also order and pay for each lunch/popcorn date separately, prior to the deadline for that lunch/popcorn date. (Ordering for all lunch/popcorn dates together saves the PAC the cost of separate transaction fees).